3 Most powerful words to change your life Right Now!



What do you think, is it possible that only three words can change the direction of our life? Initially you might don’t believe it, but I guarantee that at the end of this article you not only believe it but also experience the power of this powerful words!

Consciously or subconsciously we are using thousands of words each day. Many of them have become a habitual part of our language and of our life. But do you really know that one single word can literally change the way we think and act. Our words have the power to redirect our mindset towards more amazing life.

But the problem is that we actually don’t know the power our words have. We can use or replace our language with a more powerful words. We have a more option of using powerful words but unfortunately we are unaware of this science. So this is the opportunity to know about this success mechanism and instantly apply it into our life for massive change.

Let’s explore what are those most powerful words that we can use to instantly change our life in massive way.

1.   Problem Vs Challenge

When we are not getting the expected outcome in our life, how we describe it? ‘I have a problem’. Isn’t it true? We often use this word ‘problem’ to describe many of our life experiences. Now this word has become a habitual part of our language. But we don’t know that by using this word we are actually creating a problem or making the situation even worse.

Problem - To the every word we have attached some emotion, some kind of mental state. When we use some word we are actually trigger that emotion in our mind and put ourselves on that emotional state. So our actions are also follows our emotions and produce particular result into our life.

So, what kind of emotion we have attached to the word problem? Think deeply, when we pronounce the word ‘problem’, how we feel? we are representing that particular situation as bigger than ourselves, bigger than our capabilities, hence it produce some type of uncertainty , lack of confidence and negative emotion in our mental state. If we act through this mental state, we also get the results according to nature of our thoughts and emotions. So using the word ‘problem’ in our language is almost a very bad idea. So, what we must do?....

Challenge – This is one of favorite word! How optimistic it is! When you pronounce the word ‘challenge’, how do you feel? It feels to be empowered and controlled. It represents that the particular situation is in our hands, in our control. We are actually representing our self- image is to be greater than that of the situation we are facing. It will change our mental state in more positive and optimistic way. It creates some kind of certainty in our mindset and so as in our actions. It completely changes our attitude towards that situation.

Immediately remove the word ‘problem’ from your vocabulary and replace it with ‘challenge’. Do it now and experience a massive shift in your mindset!

 2.    Should Vs Must

Do you know what the biggest enemy of our success is? Its ‘procrastination’! We know to that to achieve a success, to getting an expected result, we need to take certain action in our life. We know what we need to do to achieve our goal. But, why we don’t take any action?

The answer is so easy! We don’t feel any compulsion towards achieving our goal! We don’t feel that urgency to take an action. The question is that, how can we create that sense of urgency to take an action? Now, within a few minute you are actually going to feel that sense of urgency and motivation to take action than never before….

Should – we are always telling to ourselves that we should do this and that to achieve our goals but how many of you actually do it? We always say to ourselves that we should exercise to maintain our health, we should study hard to get better results, we should give up alcohol to live healthier and happier life etc. but we don’t do that, why? Reason, this one world ‘should’! yes, when we use word ‘should’ regarding to an actions which are compulsory to do , we never feel that urgency or that compulsiveness in our behavior. It is unable to a feeling of obsession towards our goal.

Must – Be ready to become a man or women of action. Whenever you need to take any action but doesn’t feel any compulsiveness to accomplish that action, just insert the word ‘must’. For example, if you need to talk to someone to sort out the things in your life but can’t gather the enough courage to do so, just repeat in your mind, I must do that, I must have to speak to that person. If you want your perfect body but can’t overcome laziness to do that, just repeat to yourself, I must get up and exercise. This word creates a sense of urgency in your mindset and behavior. It is literally magical!

Replace your statement of ‘should’ with ‘must’ and repeat, repeat, repeat!!

3. Nervous Vs Excited

It is obvious that we have a some fear when its time to do something unknown, something new. That is the natural conditioning of our brain and mind to have a fear of unknown. But that is only temporary emotion. And we can easily overcome it within a minute. But, what are the things that kept us away from doing so? Which factor intensifies our emotion of fear of unknown? Here is the answer…

Nervous – if you observe, often we use word ‘Nervous’ to describe our mental state while dealing with unknown situations. Remember, when you first time going to give a seminar. How you had represented your mental state at that time? What did you have describe to your friends about your emotional state? I am sure that many of you use a word ‘nervous’ to describe your state. I am sure because I have done the same! This word is literally presenting the unknown situation negatively to your mind. It is going to intensify the emotion of fear and lower your vibrations. Now, what will be your performance with such kind of negative mindset? No need to tell.

Excited – “I am too much excited about my life!” just speak out loud this to yourself. What emotional change do you feel? Aren’t you feel more positive and filled with passion? Of course you are! The word ‘Excited’ also represent the unknown situation but in more positive and optimistic manner. When you pronounce this word you actually detaching yourself from the outcome of the unknown situation and make yourself ready to live in the present moment!

Replace the word ‘Nervous’ with word ‘Excited’ to describe any fearful situation.


Now, I know you are truly excited to apply these words in every area of your life. Aren’t you? Then, why to wait? Why not to grab every opportunity to transform our life? Go and explore the power of these words in your life and see immediate magnificent shift!

Thank you and God bless you all!

Blog by – Mr. Kaivalya. R. Shastri & Team SpirtSol

                 SpiritSol Mind Technologies

Contact us - spiritsol.ask@gmail.com


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